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July 08, 2005
In the name of God?!
What can anyone possibly say in defence of the evil monsters who perpetuated yesterday's attack on the commuter population of London? What could they possibly have hoped to achieve? And how long will it be before they have another go?
All of these, and more, are questions I have spent much of yesterday and most of last night asking myself. Even after having spent a large part of my career dealing with this sort of mindless, evil, and totally unacceptable activity, I am still moved not to compassion for the "cause", whatever it is, but to blind rage against the perpetrators, their sycophants and apologists like George Galloway and Peter Hain, and against whatever their supposed "cause". It is at times like this that I find living my Christian faith very, very difficult. Especially after spending several worried hours trying to find out whether or not two of my three children had been caught up in any of the blasts!
God be praised, they were both safe, but now I weep for the injured and the dead and dying! If this is, and it is still an "if", a case of suicide bombers, then I sincerely hope and trust that they and their paymasters rot in the worst part of Hell that the powers of Heaven and Hell can devise. In short, I curse them, in the ancient tradition of the Celtic Church, to a "living death, that they may know only pain, despair, and the ultimate severance from the grace of God, until they pass from this life to the eternal damnation reserved for the Evil One and all his minions."
For those evil men of violence who will this morning meet outside the Finsbury Park mosque - because they have been banned from entering it by the sensible Muslims of that community - Abu Hamza and his equally evil chum, Abdul Baqri - I hope that the Metropolitan Police will now arrest them the moment they open their mouths to preach this morning. I have no doubt that they will proclaim this evil act as "Jihad" and urge their followers to join the struggle. They should be arrested and charged immediately under the "incitment to religious hatred" legislation Mr Blair has brought in to silence Christian concerns about the violent agenda preached by these men and their followers.
To Mr Blair and his coterie of legal parasites who have wrecked the criminal justice system in this country with their demands for unrealistic "proofs" and nit-picking at the "rights" of criminals, I have only two questions. Where are the four men recently returned to this country after being held in Guantanamo Bay? You let them out because you refused to allow the use of the evidence gathered against them because you said it had been obtained by "torture". If they have now proved their thanks by carrying out this act, facilitated it, or assisted the bombers by providing the training, will you now come clean to the public and deal with them - admitting your culpability? You don't know, do you? Nor will you ever admit culpability will you? That, Mr Blair, puts you in the position of having been party to this atrocity!
Last night, I sat down to write a sermon. Anger is not a good muse, nor is it conducive to living my Christian Faith. So I have binned my efforts and will now try again when I have managed to bring the berserker blood currently surging through my veins back under control.
In the meantime, may I say to all those of you who have e-mailed expressing your concern and your prayers - thank you. Please pray that our Lord will provide comfort to those who have been bereaved, to those who will die in the coming days, and for all those touched or injured in this monstrous act of purest evil.
"May the souls of all the departed,
through the mercy of God,
and the grace of His son Jesus Christ,
rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen"
Posted by The Gray Monk at July 8, 2005 09:03 AM
I am relieved and glad to hear that you and yours are okay. My thoughts go out to those lost; to their friends and families; and, to those wounded. May there be something special indeed for those behind this despicable act.
Posted by: Laughing Wolf at July 8, 2005 01:28 PM
I, too, am very relieved to hear that you and your family are safe!
Posted by: Russell Newquist at July 8, 2005 02:44 PM
Terrorists such as Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who murdered the Egyptian Envoy to Iraq on Thursday, and the "Secret Organisation Group of al Qaida of Jihad Organisation in Europe" who claim responsibility for the London bombings, are sick, twisted criminals who, knowingly or not, have 'sold their souls to the Devil'. They go against all the teaching of Islam because Satan is their false god. Don't forget that Christ called Satan 'Prince of this World' and that all sinners who do his will are his servants. However, good WILL overcome evil. You'll feel better if you read Ephesians Chapter 6, verses 11 to 16.
Posted by: Tessa at July 9, 2005 12:56 AM
Let me add my sentiments to those expressed by Laughing Wolf (a gentlemen I have had the privilege of meeting) and by millions of Americans all over the country.
I used to be able to see the tops of the Twin Towers from my back deck, and on September 11th I too spent hours being unable to reach my daughter who was in Manhattan on that most horrible of days. Fortunately, it turned out that she was in mid-town that day.
There is simply no alternative other than to find these animals, wherever they may be in the world, and deliver unto them the "martyrdom" to which they aspire.
Posted by: Jim - PRS at July 10, 2005 03:21 PM
I quote:
"There is simply no alternative other than to find these animals, wherever they may be in the world, and deliver unto them the "martyrdom" to which they aspire."
We do not need to do this. For these animals have condemned themselves to hell. I have forgiven them, for that was God's gift to me. But I will never forget the awful and shocking crimes they have commited. I am glad to hear everyone and their families are safe, I myself know two people that were in the train in front of the train that exploded at edgeware road. Let us pray for the lost.
Posted by: Tom at July 13, 2005 05:10 PM