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July 30, 2005
I blame Ozguru
He knows I can't resist these quizzes, and he's gone and linked to three of them! Anyway, it seems for all the fact that I am born in one of the former Dominion States of the British Empire, and now live in the "Old Country", with all my European antecedents I am .....
You Are 70% American |
Hmmm, perhaps I better have another look at my passport? Nope, it still says British! And then again ......
Your Hidden Talent |
Amazing what just picking a picture can tell you about yourself. I'm not sure my staff would agree about the compliments though! Or about things going smoothly - they tend to drop things in my lap when they aren't!
And just to add insult to injury ...
Your IQ Is 135 |
Some gaps in my general knowledge obviously - the real surprise is the Maths! Alright, I'm done .....
It's all Oz's fault anyway ......
Posted by The Gray Monk at July 30, 2005 08:22 AM