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June 09, 2005

More anti-Christian actions by Whitehall.

The revelation that Newnham's, a Borough of London, NHS Hospitals have had their chapels "converted" into "Prayer" Rooms for "All Faiths" by their NHS Trust, shows either crass stupidity or deliberate desecration on the part of the Trusts Board and its executive officers. The fact that the removal of the Christian symbols from a consecrated chapel constitutes "desecration of a religious structure, building, or site" in terms of the 19th Century laws which were enacted to protect the right of freedom of worship seems to have escaped the notice of both the Trust and the the Police. A consecrated "Chapel" is NOT a "Prayer Room"!

This action, without proper consultation and without even understanding the differences between the concepts of different religions' uses of spaces "set aside for God". The fact that this action is deeply offensive to Christians and probably does not meet the needs of the "other faiths" does not seem to have entered into this debate at all. The only consideration here seems to have been the local Trust's denizens' secular and atheistic determination that the "Christian symbols caused offence to members of other religions"! The fact that their actions are deeply offensive to those of us who are Christian seems to be a matter that is not addressed by this government's new law against causing "religious hatred or offence". Evidently only non-Christians can be offended.

This sort of action is typical of the present government's interpretation of what is "offensive" and whom it offends. Strange, is it not, that a government whose leader often publically shows off his "faith", is so frequently active in undermining and attempting to destroy Christian faith, Christian worship, and the very tennets of Christian belief. Mr Blair a devoted Christian? Not in my book.

Yet again we see the crass and blatant bias of this shower of bigots and their equally blatant racial and secularist agenda. White, Christian, and British is evil - anything anti-Christian, anti-White, and anti-British is good. They forget that it was the British sense of Christian Justice which drove the abolition of slavery - something that their favourite religion still espouses and practices in secret - it was the British who did more to bring about the end of racial prejudice and oppression than anyone else, and yet they still try to pervert our history and present us as "institutionally racist".

It is convenient to preserve and project the lie that it was Christianity that held back science in the Middle Ages and forget that it was the great Christian thinkers who founded universities, brought about general education, and nurtured the sciences. Let us not forget that it was the Christian understanding of the ten commandments that, until this shower of atheists, new ageists, and psuedo-liberals came to power, underpinned and informed all our laws.

This stripping of a Christian Chapel of its Christian symbols, the removal of its Bibles and other furnishings, and their "storage in a cupboard" to be avaialbe "if anyone asks for them" is not just deeply offensive, it is an affront to everyone of every faith. I sincerely hope that a prosecution follows this - but I won't hold my breathe - not in Blair's "modern" apostasy!

Posted by The Gray Monk at June 9, 2005 07:55 AM


There's no chance of a justly desereved prosecution I'm afraid.

"secular and atheistic determination that the "Christian symbols caused offence to members of other religions""

This is turning into a standard excuse to surpresss Christanity, and it has no basis in fact, the only people who ever complain about Christian or other religious symbols are some atheists (who complain about any religious symbolism) and apparatchiks who complain only about Christian symbolism.

Well if we can't have chapels in state hospitals, let all hospitals founded by or with strong past connections with Christianity be returned to the church. I'd wager a pound to a penny that Church run hospitals would outperform, and be more popular with people of all faiths, than the NHS. Bit like the schools really, but the governemnt hates competition in its sacred areas.

Posted by: fdm at June 10, 2005 01:11 PM

Next the signs will say: Muslims, only - no infidels permitted.

Posted by: MommaBear at June 11, 2005 12:29 PM

Sadly very few Muslims - and then only the real extremists - would ever make a complaint on this issue. It is all down to secularist attempts to suppress all religion. The excuse is always "best use of public money to the advantage of all sectuions of the community." It is only a matter of time before all cathedrals - which do get public funding - are required to be "Multi Faith Centres" to justify their funding. Watch this space.

Posted by: The Gray Monk at June 13, 2005 04:37 PM