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June 22, 2005
Blair Force One?
Sometimes the arrogance of this government simply beggars belief. A little item from the Scotsman alerted me to this latest folly on the part of Blair and his dishonest party.
Having scrapped the Royal Yacht - which used to visit the world promoting British Trade (she saw trade deals for £22 billion signed on her last "official" tour to SA!) and set the Labour Party's Misinformation Unit on the Royal Family for their use of the Royal Train and the Queen's Flight, Mr Blair now proposes to buy a set of four airliners to replace the Queen's Flight with aircraft he and his crony ministers can swan about the world at our expense in! The "estimated" cost is £80 million and will buy a Boeing 777, another smaller (probably an Airbus or a 767) liner and two small passenger "executive" jets which ministers will graciously "allow" Her Majesty to use when they aren't swanning about the world at our expense in them.
No doubt we will be treated to regular press releases telling us how much the Royal Family's use is costing us - but never Mr Blair's little junkets.
As it stands at the moment, this dishonest bunch of liars is costing us an arm and a leg, as every time they go anywhere at all they charter a full sized 747 and then pack it with their entourage of spin doctors, media flunkies, tame reporters, and BBC executives, not to mention the army of civil service "yes" men who carry the bags and the folders with the ministers half-understood papers in them. If it were not so dishonest, it would be laughable.
Just who does this little oik think he is? He and his coterie of gerymanderers have no claim to democratic principle; they aren't even a majority choice by the electorate. Only a 57% voter turnout at the last election and Blair certainly didn't get the share of the vote his majority suggests - that is down entirely to changing round the electoral boundaries to ensure he has a 60 seat majority no matter what.
How much longer will the British Middle Classes continue to believe that this little twerp actually believes in a free and fair society? How much longer will the rich and famous continue to bankroll this dishonest, undemocratic, and totalitarian regime? I suspect until dear Gordon gets his hands on the PM post - and then squezzes the rich until - as a predecssor of his once remarked - "until the pips squeek!"
Blair Force One is the greatest folly this ignorant and incompetent shower of sychophantic cronies have yet launched - and it reveals the full extent of their pretensions and ambitions!
Posted by The Gray Monk at June 22, 2005 09:36 AM