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June 01, 2005
An interesting blog
Occasionally I trawl the Internet looking for specific information on events or history and in so doing frequently encounter interesting blogs or websites. The most recently discovered source on information from Israel - as a Christian I do have a natural interest and affinity for that beleagured nation - is a blog called One Jerusalem Blog.
The posts are well thought out, informative, and give news and views you certainly won't find in any of the biased and pro-palestinian Western news media. Well worth a read if you really want to find out what is going on there.
The blog is actually a website for a group who are campaigning to keep a united Jerusalem in the face of political machinations to divide it again and give the Old City back to the corrupt and aggressive control of Hamas, Fatah, and other groups who have tried for almost fifty years to bomb, knife, and shoot their way to power. Jerusalem is the capital of the Israeli state and should be recognised as such. The vitriolic and poisonous propaganda that pours from various Muslim sources - frequently repeating the fraudulent and discredited Blood Libels used by the Communists in 1917 and the Nazis in 1936 - 1945 - would, if directed at them in the UK, result in prosecution of the writers and publishers. But, because its directed against the Jews by the poor downtrodden and misunderstood Muslims, its perfectly alright in the eyes of our political masters and the judiciary and police.
If nothing else, this blog gives a different slant on the Israel/Arab question. Well worth a read and a frequent revisit.
Posted by The Gray Monk at June 1, 2005 08:30 AM