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May 30, 2005

Time to stop this selection farce!

Since Mr Blair and his horde of idiot cronies came to power, the entire issue of access to a range of courses at universities has become a farce. The moronic mantra that everyone has the ability to go to university, that students from dismal State schools have to have preferential access to the best universities, has meant that selection for this, as with everything else, is no longer based on merit or ability, but on how "deprived" you are perceived to be. In short, the best students are now almost routinely rejected by the best universities - because they are not "deprived" or "under represented".

The classic case is reported in a recent Daily Mail article which identifies a student with a set of straight A passes in his A Level exams who is one of nine such students rejected by four or more universities for places on a medical degree course. The reason? They are all from fee-paying "public" schools and not from the "under represented" state school sector. So selection is now, thanks to Mr Blair and his cronies, a matter not of merit or ability, but of your schools status. The more of a failure it is, the more likely you are to get a place in a medical school.

This constant downgrading of the professions to suit a failed and frankly discrimnatory socialist agenda, is eventually going to result in even more problems for the health service among others. All universities are now guilty of selecting for failure, of lowering the standards of selection in order to meet the Whitehall criteria which require them to admit more people with lower or mediocre qualifications at the expense of those who have done well through having the benefit of attending a really first class school. Instead of praising the higher standard and rewarding excellence, the government is trying to destroy this by making it impossible to move on to university from a public school.

Instead of exposing this fraud, the university selectors toe the line and slavishly follow this blatant attempt at social engineering. The result will be to bring discredit upon their degrees, their programmes, and ultimately on those who have attempted to achieve improvement through them. The cost to the country will be huge.

This is yet another Poiltically Correct policy that needs to be exposed and debunked. It is something every right thinking person in this country should be up in arms over - after all it is our money these cretins are using and wasting! It is time to stop selecting on criteria which discriminate against the able and the bright and insist that Whitehall and its army of parasites have no place in setting these policies or criteria. Each university should be required to select on ability and merit only.

Anything else is merely a new and more pernicious form of apartheid!

Posted by The Gray Monk at May 30, 2005 02:08 PM


I can't say I'm surprised at the universities toeing the line on this as they certainly appear to approve of the current "socialist" agenda.

I remember the brouhaha about boycotts against pro-israeli lecturers a few months ago.

Idiots. But then they will not bite the hand that feeds them.

Posted by: nbc at June 1, 2005 02:33 PM