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May 07, 2005

The seeds that we sow?

I am fascinated by the report out today that children raised in the over-protective environment our "child welfare" society has fostered are in danger from being "over protected"! Apparently children who grow up in this sort of environment never "grow up" mentally. The result is that they are indecisive, insecure, and unable to cope in a crisis. So what will they do when the present generation of "nannying" adults have to step aside (death comes eventually to everyone, after all!) and leave the products of their protective coddling, interference, and restrictive upbringing practices?

Or, perhaps that is the agenda. After all, a population comprised of individuals who are unable to cope with any crisis, unable to make decisions, and unable to fend for themselves are much more likely to follow meekly where they are led. They will not argue with anyone in a position of authority who promises treats for good behaviour, nor will they risk being deprived of the "protection" of conforming if it means having to fend for themselves. Ready-made servants for any dictator that happens by, in fact. Or ready-made compliants for the overweaning ambitions of our illustrious leader and his cronies and their supporters in the civil service - fodder indeed for those in authority who do not like to be challenged or threatened in their comfortable ivory towers!

In like vein is the other end of the spectrum, the element who refuse to recognise any authority but their own - and are protected in this by the very people who claim to be moulding a "better and non-threatening" society. The Yobs who beat up the elderly, peddle drugs, and have uninhibited sex in public places are just as much a product of this over protective and thoroughly unnatural philosophy as the "child adults" now being turned out of the middle class "caring" homes of Islington and elsewhere on the Champagne Socialist set's circuit.

I suppose that one ray of hope is the thought that, since it is this class of intelligent cretins - the same one that is usually to be found in a huge SUV 4x4 on the school run and on the "Environment" issue march, at the "Organic" food stall, or the Vegan meeting, that will eventually produce the sort of whimped-out off-spring that will succumb to being bundled out of power, the best jobs, and consigned to history. Pity it will take a little over 35 years.

The real problem is that the likely winners will be the yobs - they will be the only ones left with the balls to take advantage and take charge!

Posted by The Gray Monk at May 7, 2005 09:14 AM