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February 05, 2005
Serious amusement
One of the more enjoyable aspects of blogging - for me, anyway - is the variety of experiences and range of opinions it exposes one to. I really must give a hat tip to Ozguru of G'day Mate for persuading me to take this up; it has broadened my horizons immensely. Like, I suspect, most other bloggers, I don't always have time to read as many blogs as I would like (Memo to self: Find out how to update and extend my Blogroll!) but I do try to read a selection every day.
Among those that have recently tickled my funny bone was Paul's (of All agitprop; all the time) take on protesters under the banner "Giving village idioting a bad name". After I had picked myself up a couple of times from the floor, I began to consider the event he describes in this piece. You could not write this as fiction; people would simply dismiss it, in a novel, as "not real", yet it is. There are people like that out there in the world - sadly, some of them even become Prime Ministers and Presidents of Somewhere - ask Mr Blair!
Hilarious as it is, these earnest anarchists, well meaning though they might be, do a lot of harm in their espousal of "justice" and "causes" and never really cotton on to the fact that, if they were to succeeed, their extreme views and zealotry would create the sort of society that the Mujahedeen and the Ayatollahs have created in Afghanistan and Iran. It is these sorts of zealots too, who plague the search for workable solutions to the climate change problems we face.
Let's face it, they should be excluded from Higher Education on the grounds that they are far to intelligently stupid to be allowed to pursue it.
Posted by The Gray Monk at February 5, 2005 10:04 AM
Cheers for the link, Pat. :)
Posted by: Paul Jané at February 5, 2005 06:44 PM