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February 02, 2005

Fire tragedy

In the early hours of this morning two young firefighters of the Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service gave their lives in a fire in a high rise block of flats in Stevenage, Herts. Their names have not been released as the families are still coming to terms with their loss, but neither young man had more than four years in the service. Two fire fighters and one other person have died, several more are injured and in hospital, and over seventy people had to be evacuated from the building.

Every uniformed and disciplined service has its tragedies, and the fire and rescue services are no exception, the UK services are perhaps more fortunate than most in that we do not lose many in this way. Sadly, though, there are always circumstances and situations in which lives are at risk, and can be lost. Let us hope that these deaths are not a result of any of the "modernisation" dreamed up in the Ivory Towers of Whitehall and implemented locally, frequently by newly appointed "civilian" managers who cannot connect "strategic" decisions with their impact on "operational" policy, tactics, and tasks.

I ask your prayers for the bereaved, both families and colleagues, and your prayers and support for all those affected by this tragedy.

Posted by The Gray Monk at February 2, 2005 04:53 PM


I'm so sorry, Pat.

Posted by: Russell Newquist at February 2, 2005 05:02 PM