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February 27, 2005

Et tu, Mr Livingstone?

It seems that everyone is a racist in the eyes of some of our political elite, but not them. Mr Ken Livingstone's edifying contempt for the Jewish community in this country should be a matter for his resignation as Mayor of our Capital city, but Mr Blair seems quite content to let the racist slur cast upon a Jewish reporter from a paper Mr Livingstone loathes - not least because they exposed his chicancery as Chairman of the late unlamented Greater London Council - pass totally unpunished.

It seems that in the eyes of Mr Livingstone and Mr Blair, the Jewish Community is not covered by the laws of this land which forbid "stirring up racial hatred". So it is perfectly alright to attack Jews, verbally and physically, but any other racial group - except native Britons - is totally off limits. I suspect that, in part, it is Labour's love affair with the Palestinian and general Anti-Israel cause that lies at the bottom of this. We should not forget that it was the conniving little schemer Attlee, then the Labour Prime Minister, who had planned, in the face of warnings of genocide, to hand the state of Palestine to the Pan Arab groups who had an avowed intention of driving out every Jew from the land. It was Attlee and his Labour Government who ordered the handing over of the arsenals to the Palestinian and Jordanian Arabs and leaving the Jews to their fate. Just like the Balfour government, they mouthed their platitudes, they blamed the Germans for the genocide, yet these same men held equally, but more subtly expressed, views of the Jewish people, and Mayor Livingstone evidently still does.

If Blair wishes to have any credibility as believing his mantra of "equality" of all, then this last unreconstructed and deeply prejudiced man must go. Ken Livingstone has demonstrated that he is totally unfit to serve in government. He must now be slung out on his ear, having demonstrated that he is no better than the worst Islamic fundamentalist or the concentration camp guard he had the temerity to call the reporter.

The only acceptable apology from this man is his departure from all public office for good.

Posted by The Gray Monk at February 27, 2005 09:42 AM


Sue him for 'Racial Vilification' (or the British equivalent. Locally some people used that to prevent one of the Nazi apologists from getting a visa to come to Australia...

Posted by: Ozguru at March 1, 2005 08:23 PM