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January 01, 2005
Turning to the Epiphany
I recently found a new Roman Catholic blog - new to me, at any rate - called SoDakmonk, a genuine Benedictine Monk. Now he has an interesting series on his page exploring the Magi and their provenance. I must say that I agree with his postulation on this; it is all too easy, certainly among our secular and anti-Christian friends in the media and governments, to ignore historical facts and evidence when it suits them.
The Epiphany is celebrated (it has been sadly neglected until recently in the Western Church) as the "revelation" of the Christ to the Gentiles, a signal that He came not just to the Jews, but to all of humankind. Like the SoDakmonk, I am sometimes aware that this message needs to reach a far wider audience.
I hope that you all take a look at his posts and give this some serious thought. It means a lot for you!
Posted by The Gray Monk at January 1, 2005 10:51 AM