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January 09, 2005
The hypocricy revealed ....
In this week we have seen the true agenda of our wonderful government and its surrogates. On the one hand, the Prime Minister's poodle, one of the few "English" Labour Ministers, writes in a Muslim newspaper that the government have acted "within weeks" of receiving a complaint from the Muslim Council, to enact legislation making it illegal to criticise Islam - the infamous "stirring up racial or religious hatred" legislation - and assuring Muslims that if they don't vote Labour, they will find themselves ruled by a Jew. On the other hand, we have the BBC, a publically funded (through compulsory Licence fees) broadcaster, broadcasting, last night, the show "Jerry Springer - The Opera".
Now you may well wonder what that second item has to do with hypocricy; it is simply this, that show portrayed God, Jesus Christ, and the Virgn Mary in a truly offensive light. They would never have dared to do this with a Muslim theme, say showing the "prophet" as a nasty little fraud, so why are they allowed to denigrate the Christian faith in this way. Ofcom and the BBC complaints line acknowledge that they received over 50,000 complaints in the run up to its being screened, and I note they are very silent about how many since. If Mr Blair's government is so keen to protect religious sensitivity that he makes it illegal to "offend" any Muslims, why is Christianity treated differently?
One reason is quite simply that this shower of hyocrites view Christianity as an "enemy of the people", a representation of the "Privileged Classes" - remember the declaration by the junior minister over foxhunting - "we will show these toffs that we are in charge now". The second and blatantly hypocritical reason is that they feel they can afford to offend the million or so "Christian" voters who are regular members of congregations, but not the million or so Muslims, who, because of their divisive policy of actively preventing integration (called "Multi-culturalism"), have been relegated to slums and colonies within our inner cities. Natural followers for Labour and its deceitful promises, all this is done to "protect" Islam and redistribute wealth. It is not that long since they were telling us they were doing this to protect "working class" people. Face it; this is a party run by Middle Class, moneyed, and privileged hypocrites for their own advantage. These two events show how deeply their cynical and apostate condition runs. They believe in nothing but power for themselves and will do anything to retain it - including pandering to militant Islam and marginalising the Christian core of this country.
This exposes once and for all time that fact that you simply cannot be a Christian and continue to support this Party of lies, deceit, corruption, and atheists.
Posted by The Gray Monk at January 9, 2005 10:12 AM