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January 28, 2005
Pressures of work
The Monk's "day job" has been making steadily increasing demands upon him and his "free" time since mid-2003. It has been getting more and more demanding over that time, and the month just coming to a close typifies it - where did the month go?
This is partly because of a heavy demand in the programming of courses for the subjects that the Monk specialises in delivering, compounded by the fact that he is also part of a larger project team which is now about to undertake a prolonged task abroad. To make life even more entertaining, the Monk is booked to attend an international committee meeting, an advanced course in his core speciality and a short conference - all in the US, immediately thereafter. This will mean flying to Qatar for two weeks, returning home for two days and then off to the US for three weeks! Poor old Paddy Cat will have to stay at home and put up with a series of "lodgers" who have agreed to house-sit and "feed the cat!"
With the changing time zones and an uncertain access to the internet for blogging - at least for the Qatar bit - the Monk just wants to give notice to his friends and readers (whom he likes to think are also friends) that posting may become a little difficult and possibly very light! Do please bear with me and keep dropping by - you never know, I may have something amusing to post that day.
Posted by The Gray Monk at January 28, 2005 10:18 PM