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December 02, 2004

Well, that's reassuring!

OK, so I'm a sucker for these "Quizzes"! And this one, found at Dodgeblogium, tickled my fancy a touch more than usual.

Reassuringly it confirmed what I thought - and I didn't have to try more than once, either!

You scored as Catholic.













created with QuizFarm.com

Interestingly, the spread of the other potential "religions" reflect, in my view, the shared vision of the mainstream. I have to admit, though, that scoring as an Anarchist is probably a true reflection of my character make-up, but not necessarily of my faith! In reality I do have tendencies to fight against imposed authority - particularly when I disagree with whatever is being imposed.

I am surprised at the higher score for Buddhist tendencies than for Jewish, as I would have rated myself more Jewish than that! As, indeed, all Christians are.

One other little thought on this - is being a Catholic different to being a Christian? I don't think so.

We are one body in Christ.

Posted by The Gray Monk at December 2, 2004 09:32 AM


Hmmm. A lot of Catholics and near-Catholics got the results they expected. A lot of anti-Catholics were somewhat stunned to find themselves being labelled Buddhist or Jewish.

That might say something about our perceptions of other religions - or perhaps the authors perception of other religions.

Posted by: Ozguru at December 3, 2004 01:18 PM

Yes, an interesting observation. It could also be that there is a commonality across a range of ideas which we take as "Reformed" Christian - which are actually "borrowed" from other philosophies. Something to explore perhaps?

Posted by: The Gray Monk at December 3, 2004 02:14 PM

Rather interesting. I do wonder how Christ might have scored...most likely an Anarchist? I mean what with all the doings with the moneychangers & Romans, etc. ;-)

Posted by: urthshu at December 5, 2004 03:47 AM