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November 02, 2004
Undermining parents .... again!
Today Parliament is set to vote on a matter of vital National importance. No, it's not the war on terror, no one is threatening to blow up parliament, no one is even threatening to launch an invasion against us. It's those nasty, abusive, vicious fathers and mothers who are destroying our National Treasures, the over-indulged, under disciplined, and out of control children.
The usual bunch of anti-family, anti-fathers, anti-choice Labour backbenchers are today demanding a law which will make it a criminal offence to smack a disobedient and naughty child. They want people to engage with their children, to reason with them, and to reward them for behaviour - not punish them for misbehaviour. This is the same group who want health workers to ask every expectant mother "has your husband/partner abused you?"
Anyone who has had to endure the antics of a bunch of out of control children rushing around a supermarket, pulling down displays, and crashing into other shoppers while shrieking and generally misbehaving will understand my concern. Inevitably when you encounter this horde of brats, you also find a mother and father team (sometimes just one or the other, though) appealing to deaf ears and ultimately rewarding the little "treasures" for their totally unacceptable behaviour. I have now twice left my local supermarket when I have encountered uncontrolled children - I simply refuse to have my shopping (which I dislike anyway!) being made even more of an endurance trial by someone else's obnoxious little pests destroying goods and making the transit of aisles hazardous to their continued health and mine!
Listening to the pathetic wimp bleating about this on this mornings radio, and suggesting that anyone who doesn't support this is in the same league as Hitler or Stalin, was enough to send my blood pressure soaring to above the 180mm/hg mark at rest! Someone really ought to put people like this down - inhumanely if possible! These morons are destroying our society, even though their favourite quotation from Dr Spock has long been discredited - by the author himself - they still cling to the belief that if they just keep on whining to their out of control brats, these monsters will somehow develop into responsible and decent citizens! Look out of the window sometime, you cretins! The louts who go binge drinking, who think it's fun to deface and smash other peoples property, who launch uncontrolled attacks on people who dare to "dis" them, these are the product of your overindulgent nursing! These louts are the children of people who have abrogated their responsibility for teaching them proper values, self discipline, and decency. These are the generation who will destroy your ivory towers from within!
Let us hope that common sense prevails in this debate today. Let us hope - but given the quality of the people and the minds now in occupation of that House, perhaps that is a vain hope. After all, this is the same group who think it is OK to introduce a new set of rules that will allow a widening of casinos and lift the restrictions on gaming machines. Who think it won't increase the levels of debt and further undermine the efforts to lift people out of debt and poverty (such as it is in this country!). This is the same bunch of cretins who haven't yet figured out that the relationship between the number of betting shops and the volume of trade in any betting shop is also related to the socio-economic population of any given area in a city! But then, perhaps the information Blair and his ministers are hiding is that the chief beneficiary from this will be them - more tax from gambling and greater dependency from their core electorate on the handouts and benefits paid for by those of us with more sense!
Perhaps it is time to rename the House of Commons - I suggest that it should in future be called the House of Clowns and Dangerous Cretins. It may actually alert us to the growing tyranny that is eminating from it, a tyranny that is reducing freedom of action, speech, and the individual to nothing. This is no longer democracy, this is tyranny.
Posted by The Gray Monk at November 2, 2004 11:01 AM
As someone raised with a good spanking (and thankful for it), I sympathize with this completely. Spineless parents are high on my list of reasons for decline in American children (and I presume British as well).
I hope this measure you refer to does not pass, I'd hate for the US government to get any funny ideas from Parliament.
Posted by: Danielle at November 3, 2004 12:10 AM
Update! Thankfully the Members of that den of parasites, has voted down the outright ban on smacking. Sadly they adopted a measure which will give every busybody the power to destroy families and cause misery to parents and children alike! Let us hope that the Courts find a way to render this nonsense unworkable - somehow I doubt it though!
Posted by: The Gray Monk at November 4, 2004 10:50 AM