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November 22, 2004

An explanation, please?

The Monk is deeply puzzled. There must be a good, sound, logical reason behind the Home Office's decision to fence off all the urinals in the male toilets at Queen Anne's Gate - and to not have any installed in the men's conveniences in their new building in Marsham Street. But what is it?

Are the Home Office aware of some major change in men's anatomy that the rest of us are not yet privy to? Or is it simply the latest lunatic feminist agenda from that den of public wastefullness? Probably the latter; after all, the Home Office has long been seen as the most incompetent of all the departments supposedly delivering public services, so why spoil their record now with having a logical reason.

No doubt one of the Political Correctness mouthpieces will at some stage "explain" that this change is about "inclusiveness" and "diversity" and the need to respect the fact that some people may find it embarassing to use a urinal. So what about those of us who are still male and still don't find it unusual to have to use one?

Never mind, it's the public's money they're flushing down the pan quite literally.

Posted by The Gray Monk at November 22, 2004 04:23 PM


Maybe it's so that the bathroom can be converted to a womens quickly. Like if there is a line for the other womens bathroom. The men will be told to hold it, while the women use the mens

Posted by: skipjack at November 23, 2004 10:14 PM

... not yet PRIVY to ...

That was a painful pun Mr Monk!

Posted by: Ozguru at November 26, 2004 01:50 PM