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November 08, 2004
A gravy train derailment?
It seems the electorate in the UK may not be as supine and stupid as Mr Blair and his "wunderkindt" coterie think. We saw in the news that voters in the North East (the Tyne and Wear region incorporating Newcastle upon Tyne, Sunderland, Cleveland, Northumberland and County Durham) have rejected Labour's flagship proposal to establish Regional Assemblies. The voters of the Tyne and Wear region have obviously rumbled the fact that this would be a massive "jobs for our pals" exercise.
They rejected the proposal to establish a Regional Assembly for the North East Region by a margin of 80% against! Mr Prescott, the Deputy Prime Minister and chief protagonist for this scam, is upset, but the public have shown that they are wise to the way in which an ever increasing army of parasitic politicians are being accommodated at our expense in totally unnecessary and very expensive "palaces of the people".
If the cost of establishing the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly is anything to go by - we can't afford another nine of them! Especially as they would all require a duplication of Civil Service Departments and an exponential growth in wasteful jobsworths in every region. Should be worth another million Civil Servants in every single Assembly's area if the current Civil Service growth is anything to go by.
The thought of another few million of these wankers doesn't bear thinking about! Nor does the thought of a country broken up into small "Assemblies" in which Labour (because of "tribal" voting) would have a guaranteed majority in at least five, and thus control over any future "Federal" Parliament, bear even the slightest consideration.
I have the greatest regard for the hard headed and hard working men and women of the North East, and they have just gone up another notch in my estimation! Anyone derailing the gravy trains carrying the hordes of worthless politicians and civil servants who infest these supposedly democratic institutions deserves our praise!
Well done the Geordies and the Danelaw!
Posted by The Gray Monk at November 8, 2004 10:10 AM