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October 25, 2004
The absent Monk returns!
The Monk has been a busy traveller for the last four weeks, and the anticipated ability to find places through which the blog could be posted or updated simply failed to materialise!
My apologies to anyone left out there who bothers to visit after so long a silence!
I will try to make up for it with some good pictures from the trip and some thoughts and comments on the things my son and I did and saw during our perambulations. Including petting full grown Cheetahs and flying in a restored Huey Gunship.
The reason we were there? Well, I left school 40 years ago - and around 40 of my former class mates - some much more worn and damaged than I am - managed to drag our zimmer frames, assorted wheelchairs, and other walking aids across to the little city of East London for a get together.
Only one question remains. Where the hell did the last 40 years go?
Posted by The Gray Monk at October 25, 2004 08:47 AM
Can't wait to see the photographs!
Welcome back!!
Posted by: Cindy at October 25, 2004 05:51 PM
Welcome back. Just in time for the renovation project :-)
Posted by: Ozguru at October 26, 2004 06:23 AM