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September 22, 2004
Thoughts from the Orthodox Church
I was struck, in my recent visit to Romania, by the way Christ is portrayed in the Icons you see everywhere. Nowhere do you see one of a Crucified Christ. You see Him seated with and without a Cross in hand, you see Him with hands displayed in blessing, you see Him "in Glory" shown with arms spread wide against a Cross as background, but you never see the crucifixion depicted.
There is a very good reason for this, one we in the West would do well to ponder! To the Orthodox, the Crucifixion was a means to an end; the Resurrection and the Ascension take precedence and place Christ on the throne of heaven as "Emperor of the World". This is not a figure of penitence or of pain, but a figure of ultimate authority and power! The pain is behind Him; the power of Heaven is the present. While penitence plays a large part in their worship and in their spiritual growth, far more emphasis is placed on rendering to the King Emperor of Heaven the service and worship that is due to Him. And, as King Emperor He is a Spiritual authority who can be petitioned by His subjects in time of need.
In their understanding of Christ in this manner there is a clear distinction between the cuddly Sunday School imagery so many Western Chritians foster and the figure of authority and power of our eternal Emperor in heaven. In the Orthodox view we are not and cannot be equal to Christ, we are His subjects and as our merciful and bountiful Emperor, he showers upon us that which we need to live this life and to develop in the spirit for the next.
Perhaps next time you sing the hymns which project the imagery of Christ the King, you will give some thought to the image of Christ the Emperor of Heaven. I know that my image of Christ will never be the same again.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirtr, Now and for ages of ages, Amen.
Posted by The Gray Monk at September 22, 2004 08:23 AM