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September 14, 2004

How embarrassing!

In a bit of a facer for the Politically Correct antics of the Labour Party and Tone the Cronymaker, Sir V S Naipaul, a Nobel Prize Winner and author, says that Multi-culturalism isn't working. The noble knight, himself born in Trinidad and Tobago, says that integration is the only way for any newcomer to a society to go. He describes as absurd the idea that an immigrant should bring their own culture with them.

He has a number of other equally unflattering things to say about the welfare state, the "Jobs for the Boys" culture that has come with "Multi-Culti", as he calls it, and argues that our society should focus on "Britishness" and not on dividing people up by culture, race, or gender. Himself a Hindu by birth, but not considered particularly religious, he doesn't have a lot of good to say about Saudi Arabia and its funding of terrorism or state sponsored Wahabism. According to Sir S V, the Saudi's have contributed "nothing to the world - it has just filled up the gambling houses and the brothels. They are not fine people actually."

Harsh words, but probably ones that we will not hear any Cabinet Member applauding - much more likely to attract howls of indignation from Labour's seried ranks of "love thy Arab/Palestinian victim" Brigade.

Anyone else noticed, by the way, how a ban on Fox Hunting is suddenly back on the agenda with threats of resignations from the Cabinet if "promises to ban it aren't honoured"? Frankly a Cabinet without that Terrorist supporter and activist Peter Hain has definite attractions, but as Tone is in difficulties over his usual freeloading summer break and the Troll Chancellor is looking for promotion, he'll buckle under the pressure and allow his bleeding heart brigade to impose yet another restriction on personal freedoms.

All part of the service - anyone care to reread Terry Pratchett's 1997 post-election prize winner - Carpe Jugulum? I suggest that you have a copy of dear Tone's handwritten manifesto handy when you read the Count de Magpyr's "New Deal" for Lancre.

Oh, and it's worth remembering that Sir S V Naipaul was in one of Tone's first Honours Lists.

Posted by The Gray Monk at September 14, 2004 08:10 AM