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September 26, 2004
Do they condone or condemn this barbarism - that is the question!
A leading "Radical" (read - supports murder of Westerners) Muslim Cleric gives us a perfect example of the dichotomy which faces those of the Islamic Faith who do not support the murder and violence committed in their name. On the one hand this man was expelled from Saudi Arabia for "subversive" activities, and on the other chooses to live in Britain - but attempts to undermine the Christian Democracy which has given him shelter! Several quotes from a recent report on him are worth considering -
"The leader of the radical Islamic group Al-Muhajiroun has said that extremists held in Britain - such as Abu Qatada and Abu Hamza - should be released in exchange for Iraq hostage Ken Bigley."
Now let me see - are either of these men threatened with having their heads hacked off for their murderous behaviour and incitement to commit murder and other atrocities? Not that anyone here would be aware of - unless from their own disillusioned followers of course.
Then there is -
"Earlier this month he sparked outrage by suggesting that an attack on a British school, as happened in Beslan, Russia, would be justified as long as women and children were not deliberately killed and only died in crossfire."
Call me old fashioned, but that is a bit out of order in my book, how does he justify this? Surely if Islam is as peaceloving and gentle as its protaganists would have us believe, then this sort of statement is a wee bit out of line with the supposed sentiments of the Koran surely?
Finally there is the report that -
"Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed refused to condemn or condone the terrorists threatening to execute Mr Bigley and said he backed their cause - the removal of British and American troops from Iraq."
Now my understanding of the majority of Muslim opinion is that this man is somewhat violent, somewhat aggressive, and his brand of Islam is not theirs. But, if that is so, why do we not hear their leaders rising up en masse to condemn his utterances and deny him a platform? Why is he still allowed to remain in a country and among a culture he so patently loathes?
Where is the voice of "moderate" Islam? Why do these supposed majority members of this faith not isolate and condemn these vile men for their barbaric and patently murderous utterances? Why, indeed, must we continue to tolerate this vile poison in our midst?
If the majority of adherents to "peaceful" Islam do not share the views of this obscene man and those like him who sponge off a generous Christian Western society while venting their venom and spite at the individuals who have extended the hand of Christian generosity to them - then let's hear them speaking out against this perversion of their faith. Or perhaps they share these views?
Posted by The Gray Monk at September 26, 2004 10:21 AM
I think that the moderate muslim suffer from tyranny of the minority. After all if they just keep thier heads down they won't be attacked.
Posted by: skipjack at September 26, 2004 08:00 PM