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September 10, 2004
A question of trust?
Asked recently on a BBC2 Newsnight interview in the UK, Newt Gingrich didn't beat about the bush when asked by the-left leaning Gavin Esler, the host, why the US preferred to go it alone in world conflicts rather than under the UN umbrella.
Mr Gingrich came back with a polite but unanswerable reply; "How can Americans believe in the UN when they have just elected Sudan to their Committee on Human Rights? And who chairs the committee? Libya!" It rather closed the discussion down, Mr Esler was left gaping. Nice to hear someone express the problem and the opinion so openly.
Enough said, I think. Tone take note: this is what your Multi-cultural claptrap about "all cultures are valid" garbage promotes. Oh, and that small matter of children and girls killed for "muti".
Posted by The Gray Monk at September 10, 2004 10:07 AM