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August 25, 2004

The downward slide to oblivion.

The Monk may face severe criticism for continuing to comment on matters relating to the armed forces, but there is a very interesting article in the Torygraph which points to the fact that only 18% of the UK population believes that the government can be trusted to adequately fund and support the defence forces. The same poll says that only 14% think the Secretary of State for Defence is doing a good job.

The poll found that 86 per cent of those questioned believe that the defence chiefs should be criticising the cuts. The vast majority did not believe they should resign in protest but 55 per cent felt they should be openly critical.

Mr Hoon has warned the defence chiefs that anyone taking such action will be forced into early retirement.

Major defence studies carried out by Jane's Defence Review also point up the fact that the percentage of GDP spent by this government on defence is, at 6%, considerably below what is considered the "norm" by experts.

There should be no surprise in this. This is, after all, a government of pacificists, closet communists, and "internationalists" who believe that the nation state, the crown, the national identity, and all matters relating to the heyday of the British people is evil, to be denigrated and destroyed. They are doing their damndest to destroy the "United" Kingdom by devolving parliaments to Scotland and Assemblies to Wales and Northern Ireland (in the latter case even making deals with terrorists to do it!) and by breaking England up into eight "Regions" - each with its own assembly.

It does not take a genius to work out that before long there will be eight mini-states in what was "England", all doing their own deals with the EU devil, all jockeying for a bigger slice of the EU handouts, and all peddling like fury in their own narrow directions. The United Kingdom will be no more. Score one to the Scottish Labour Party. It is equally obvious that, given tribal voting for Labour in the North East, North West, and Yorkshire Regions, the dominance of the Metropolitan areas in the Midlands and London "Regions", that Labour will have complete control of five of these Regional Assemblies, effectively entrenching themselves as the Party of Government. Nor is it a work of genius to recognise that, with power devolved to the Assemblies and their own bureaucracies to consume ever more of the national income, the spend on Defence will decrease still further. In fact, Westminster will itself become irrelevant as Brussels and Strasbourg become the effective ruling parliament and bureaucracy of "Central" government in Europe. At this point we will lose our independence, our armed forces, our police, and our identity and become part of the new Franco-German United States of Europe with no more influence than, say, San Marino or Lichtenstein. As a disunited group of provincial assemblies under an ever more totalitarian Party, this Nation, this Kingdom cannot survive.

Perhaps then, the deliberate underfunding and continual cutting back of the Armed Services under Blair and his incompetent Secretary for Defence is simply a cunning way of reducing the Kingdom to a state in which it is unable to prevent his handing it over, lock, stock, and barrel to the United States of Europe as soon as he thinks he can get away with it. After all, what more powerful argument can there be than that the Kingdom (remember it is FOUR fiercely "independent" nations - English, Welsh, Irish and Scots!) can no longer defend itself, no longer has control over foreign policy, defence policy, or national taxation.

It is no accident that this Kingdom became great when all its peoples worked together as one "British" people. It can therefore be no accident that it has fallen to this present state of supine and terminal illness through the fostering of internal divisions and suspicion by the filth that have subsumed the leadership of the Labour Party, ably aided and abetted by the vicious, trivial, and greedy ambitions of their incompetent and frankly dispicable rank and file.

Unless we can find statesmen and women who will throw out this scum, restore the Kingdoms pride in itself and rebuild our Armed Forces, we are probably doomed to becoming an insignificant backwater of the US of E.

Posted by The Gray Monk at August 25, 2004 06:51 PM


I think you are going to have trouble finding statesmen that are willing to buck the party. Over here in the US goverenment classes teach that British vote for the party not the person. So most people who run for local seats have learned to tow the party line, after all the nail that sticks out sees the hammer. I wish you good luck in finding someone who would be brave enough to be such a person. I think though it will have to be from a new party.

Posted by: skipjack at August 26, 2004 06:44 PM