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August 23, 2004
Scream! The "Scream" has been stolen - again!
Why anyone would want to have that particular painting hanging on a wall anywhere, I cannot say. Why, having had it stolen once and recovered, the museum hasn't had the sense to adequately defend the damned thing just beggars belief. I suspect that both thefts are to order, but who the lunatic is that wants to have this ghastly depiction in their collection beats me.
They must have several screws loose for starters. It is not a painting you can like. It certainly isn't something you would enjoy. I suppose it may have some value as a curiosity, but it is also so well known that you could not display it publically anyway! Anyone seeing it on your wall would know instantly that it was stolen - and that a BIG reward may be forthcoming to the person who shops the thief. So, that means it has to live in a bankvault or some similar secure place - which raises the question, if you can't display it, can't sell it, can't view it even privately - what the hell is the point of having it?
And that returns me to my original point. Who the hell would want to have that ghastly image on the wall anyway? In a museum maybe. In a private collection? No way!
Posted by The Gray Monk at August 23, 2004 07:10 PM
I'd much rather have a copy of Gary Larson's parody from his book Wiener Dog Art: "The Whine".
Posted by: Will Duquette at August 29, 2004 04:33 PM