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July 11, 2004

The Monk is back!

The Monk has managed to find his way back into his own blog! Blame it on AOHell; their system will not allow me to look at any of my favourite blogs, either - in fact, to beat the buggers I have to go direct to I-Explorer and bypass the AOHell system completely. Only then can I get in to anything at all!

Oh, and the other part of the problem? AOHell would not release the old IP Address for Guru International and so would not track across to the new one. Fun? Well, it's a pity I had to blow several fuses, chew out the Church Mouse, and fire broadsides at several people before I could get any sense out of anyone on it! Poor Church Mouse, she took the brunt of it.

Extra Cheese rations ordered.

Posted by The Gray Monk at July 11, 2004 10:36 PM