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June 22, 2004
Where to start?
Where does one start with the news, today - or for that matter - yesterday?
I have recently been deliberately trying to be less of a political anarchist and more reflective/positive about the state of the world, politics, religion/faith, and general relationships, but really, I am no saint and I am certainly deeply cynical about many things in today's society. Let's look at the choice of topics here:
- the fire-bombing of two synagogues in this wonderfully "inclusive" society of ours,
- the "capture" and "interrogation" of eight soldiers/sailors in the Shat al Arab by Iranian troops (with whom they have been operating amicably for months now!),
- the confession, after four years of protestation of innocence, by the convicted murderer and peadophile, Roy Whiting, that he did kill Sarah Payne,
- the claims by the PM and his poodles that the new EU Constitution doesn't affect sovereignty, doesn't create a superstate, when the text clearly states that it does,
- the campaign launched today by a childless and humourless ex-teacher who operates through a number of rather iffy "front" organisations, to have reasonable discipline of children banned and made into a criminal offence, or
- the revelation that our wonderful NHS botches abortions and then allows the aborted feotus to die miserably in a steel basin, a process that sometimes takes many hours.
Frankly any one of these would be enough under normal circumstances to cause my circuits to fuse and send me orbital; togather they fill me with a deep sense of shame and sadness that this is the society I have allowed to be created in the name of "freedom", "harmony", "mutual respect", and "human rights". This is the society that our fathers fought to protect; the society that Hitler and Stalin would, quite frankly, have found perfectly acceptable. This is a society that penalises those who dare to defend themselves from attack, robbery, or their property from a burglar. A society that bans law-abiding citizens from owning hand guns, but can't control the explosion of illegal firearms now flooding the market. A society in which the law-abiding can expect no redress in court where a criminal may walk free because the policeman who caught him (or her) red handed forgot to read out a ridiculously lengthy caution before writing down the criminals name in his notebook. A society which has judges who allow violent and disruptive thugs to escape prison "because of overcrowding" of the jails. (No doubt all the people in them are normally law-abiding citizens in this twisted view of the world!) A society which promotes the use of a drug (by downgrading it to a lower class) which has known and proven links to disorderly behaviour and to schizophrenia and clinical depression. A society which turns out the mentally ill into so-called "care in the community" without putting in place any safeguards to ensure that the medication they need is taken, that they are adequately supervised, and that they pose no threat to other vulnerable people in society.
This is a Government that believes in armed forces and uniformed services only when the chips are down and someone has to go and limit the damage, deal with the dictator, or rescue someone. Any other time they are a nuisance, elitist, or a threat to inclusive society, "institutionally racist" and far too expensive, wasteful, or "not cost efficient". Of course they have their uses, like when it is necessary to show how big a statesman we are, how we support "peace", "democracy", or "combat terror/racism/dictators/add your own favourite here .... and to provide photo opportunities for our cameleon of a PM. The lads taken hostage by the Iranians - and make no mistake I believe there is an ulterior motive to the Iranians' sudden volta face - need not expect Mr Blair and his chums to be overly supportive or energetic in helping to free them.
This is a society where the lunatic fringe have gained control, where to be "inclusive" means to trash everything that they view as "restrictive" or "elitist". These are the ideas that took root in the 1960's amid the sit-ins and the "pot" smoke hazed common rooms of our universities and polytechs among, God help us, the crew that now occupy that "mother" of parliaments, and they are obviously still befuddled with the pot they smoked then, and for all I know are still smoking now. To have a faith in anything other than the "greater good", the "collective", or the "model socialist state", Jung, Marx, or Lenin is seen as regressive, dangerously moralistic, and therefore judgemental and a hinderance to "multi-culturalism" - particularly if it is Christian or Jewish! Of course, if it is Islam or any of the plethora of Eastern or the modern "pagan" religions - that's alright!
Welcome to modern Britain, welcome to "Cool Britannia"!
Posted by The Gray Monk at June 22, 2004 02:28 PM
But if we do not take a stand, others will accuse us of "accepting" or supporting these idiots. I certainly raise that about moderate Muslims who do not speak out about the ills of Islamic terrorism. You are doing the right thing to raise the issues.
Posted by: Ozguru at June 23, 2004 11:40 AM
Who is the childless ex teacher and what are her front organisations ? Mail if you wish.
(IMHO most of the kids charities are in the hands of liberationist lefties. You can hear the steady hum as Barnardo and Saftesbury rotate in their graves).
Posted by: laban tall at June 26, 2004 11:51 AM