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June 08, 2004
Sic Transit Venus?
Today saw that extremely rare event - a "transit" of Venus. There was a great deal of excitement about it in the press - alongside many warnings not to try and look directly at it even with your sunglasses. I think we can be pretty sure that a large number of people did just that - and are now wondering when the sun flares in their eyes will clear. Not that they will have been able to see much anyway as the small dot passing slowly across the face of the sun was just that. A small black spot.
For many I dare say it will have been a non-event, or one they simply had to see knowing that they would never have another chance. It only happens about once a century - the last one in 1882 - and is alternately visible from the Northern or the Southern hemisphere but never, I am informed from both. This means in effect that when it is next visible from the UK in 2114 I am unlikely to be around to see it, and if the doom sayers are to be believed, it's possible there won't be anyone around to see it.
So why all the fuss? Well, its one of those things the astronomical community get really excited about, and scientists getting excited tends to set the press off on a feeding frenzy, probably on the premise that something like this could turn into an "end of the world" type story. Personally I am glad I saw it, even if it was a not very exciting black dot on a white card reflecting a bright disc. It serves as a reminder of just how vast the universe is - and of the immense forces that are at work in it.
It also underlines just how fragile the balance is for life on this planet or any other, for that matter. The transit is over, the photo opportunities have been taken, the media have moved on to the next news selling story, but the universe grinds on and we will no doubt eventually hear what the scientists were really all excited about - because this sort of event is a huge data gathering opportunity for the sciences, and they may well yet make a discovery from the analysis of that which could change the way we see things in a number of spheres rather radically.
So, the transit is over - but now the learning begins.
Sic transit Venus.
Posted by The Gray Monk at June 8, 2004 01:43 PM
Didn't Sam Clemens write a funny story on this subject, with insects for characters?
Posted by: Justthisguy at June 10, 2004 05:52 AM