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June 26, 2004
More lunacy from the "centre"?
For a Party that trumpets its "democratic" principles at every opportunity, we might expect to see a little less control from the Centre of every aspect of our lives. Mr Blunkett's latest intervention in local issues is a good case in point. Completely ignoring the local politicians who all support the Chief Constable, Blunkett has now decided he will have his way come hell and presumably high water as well!
So, it's off to the High Court we go (at the Tax payers' expense) to get an injunction to dismiss a Police Chief who has had the misfortune to incur the wrath of the Press and the Political Elite at the Centre. Scapegoat time! Democratic? You must be joking, this lot are only democrats when they absolutely have to be and even then the process is so stitched up in their favour it is a complete sham. This is the result of too many career politicians in the Chambers of Government. Democracy works best when it is the business of enthusiastic amateurs, a balanced chamber with ordinarty men and women, business people, entrepeneurs, ex-military officers and other ranks, retirees, and workers. Once it is stuffed with idiots who have gone from school to university and the Students Union, to Union official, to Council Chamber and then Parliament without ever having done a real job, or come from the rarified atmosphere of the legal profession and the bean counting of accountancy, Democracy is dead.
This latest interference is just another example of the absence of democracy in this country under our present Party Political Elitist "Democracy". Bring your own pitchfork and let's man the barricades. Time to throw the whole lot on the dungheap they have created and start afresh, methinks.
Posted by The Gray Monk at June 26, 2004 07:18 AM