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June 04, 2004
Countryside in bloom
Returning to Deerhurst Church I managed to catch the sun in the churchyard and this lovely flowering shrub in full bloom.
This flowering shrub exemplifies the beauty of this season – despite my hayfever – it is one of the joys of being able to visit places like Deerhurst churchyard without having to endure the traffic of Bank Holiday weekends. It is, after all, almost in my backyard!
‘nough said!
My drive to work takes me through tunnels of trees, flowering hedgerows, and banks of daffodils, bluebells, and other wild flowers which start in late February and keep going through an ever-changing kaleidoscope of colours, varieties, and patterns right through to the winter. And even the frost-decked trees can be beautiful to see.
Nope, I love living in this part of the country and enjoying its variety.
Posted by The Gray Monk at June 4, 2004 08:55 PM