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June 19, 2004

A second murder most foul ...

Another al Qaeda victim - and this one a man who was converting to Islam and loved the Arabian peninsula and the people. About the only thing that mitigates the horror in the slightest is that it has also resulted in the death of one of the ringleaders - shot dead by the Saudi Police.

Words are totally inadequate to express the anger any decent person feels against these cold blooded murderers and, frankly, perverted monsters who perpetrate these barbaric acts. Let us hope that their hosts in the Arab world take this as a wake up call and act to destroy these mad dogs before they destroy everyone.

Posted by The Gray Monk at June 19, 2004 10:57 PM


I'm with you on this one, GM, but I doubt it will happen. Even here in the United States, there isn't complete unanimity on this point. As near as I can tell, 85 percent of the blogs I've visited this weekend share the view that the terrorists must be "destroyed".

But the remainder of them either diminish the crime by stating that it was foreseeable because of the occupation of Iraq or state that the death was reprehensible--but no *less* reprehensible than the killing that the military has done in Iraq. One blogger even wrote that the U.S. is equally culpable in God's eyes because the Lord commanded: "Thou shalt not kill" and didn't make exceptions for Washington or London.

What do you make of THAT?


Posted by: Ron Bell at June 21, 2004 05:06 AM