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May 21, 2004

Some snippets from here and there ...

A trawl through some of my favourite reads found me enjoying some of Tim's (An Englishman's Castle)contributions to the further education of English speakers in the subtleties of the German language. Do pay this post a visit.

A visit to Kathy's site at On The Third Hand had me grinning as well with her take on the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders dealing with their al Mehdi attackers.

Still on the UK and British kick, the Metropolitan Police this week foiled an attempted heist at Heathrow. Paul of "All agitprop; all the time" comments on how you threaten people with a lump of wood. Well, it's like this, Paul, I have a large piece of 4x4 and a suitable grip fashioned in one end. You have your bare hands. I rush in and threaten to beat you over the head, or any other part of the anatomy, and for show probably do it to one of your mates - in a loving and friendly way, of course! Just to show I mean well. Now, in a place like the US or maybe parts of Canada, where it is legal for you to carry a weapon to defend yourself, you'd probably blow my head off. In the UK, you're supposed to let me hit you. Clear? Yup, the lunatics are in charge again.

Seriously, the Met did a very good job on this one; they had them all bagged and tagged before anyone could get seriously hurt, and even the two that did do a runner got caught after a brief chase. Now, of course, there are loads of lawyers lining up to unload yet more cash from the Legal Aid Fund while defending the gang, probably on the grounds that it is a breach of their human rights to have stopped them from stealing the bullion.

One up to the Police, now let's see how they get off on all the technicalities the lawyers will throw at the court.

Finally, there have been a few problems over the last 24 hours or so with access to this site. Rather than write a whole lot about something I know little about - please go to Ozguru's site G'day Mate and read what he has posted. I may have some Viking ancestry - but this has nothing to do with whatever that popup was about!

Posted by The Gray Monk at May 21, 2004 09:06 AM


Cheers for the link, Pat. :)

Mind you, though, I can understand a 4x4 being used as a weapon, but would you really call that a "lump" of wood, rather than a plank, or a 4x4?

On a different note, I couldn't shoot at you up here either (well, unless it was in my apartment, I suppose); I could release the dog in your general direction, though.

Posted by: Paul Jané at May 21, 2004 06:05 PM

I didn't want them to think I was totally lacking in decorum. They might play bagpipes at me or something.

Oh... wait. I like bagpipes. Nevermind.

Yeeeee Haaaaw! ;)

Posted by: Kathy K at May 21, 2004 06:22 PM