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May 31, 2004

Pretty as a picture ....

"Don't cast a clout 'til the Mey is out" runs an old country saying. Most townies assume this means the "Merry Month of ..." but that is not the case. No, I did not misspell the month either; I am talking about a plant, a tree shrub, in fact, which flowers in our hedgerows in early spring.

Mey flowering in a hedge near the village of Condicote. Some of these hedges have been growing here for almost 600 years and many that were almost lost are now being restored.

The fact is that the Mey flowers once the warm weather starts - in the Cotswolds this year it began to flower in late April and has been giving a magnificent show ever since. It was popular as a hedging plant because it stands up well to being "laid" - the stems cut partially through and laid flat and interwoven to create a living "fence". It has another feature which makes it popular for this purpose - animals don't eat it!

Anyway, I thought you might like to see the countryside I cross each day to and from work. This is perhaps not the most picturesque bit - but it was the easiest place to take a shot of the Mey in bloom.

Posted by The Gray Monk at May 31, 2004 08:31 AM


Thank you for the nice photograph.

Posted by: Adriane at June 1, 2004 08:31 PM