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May 05, 2004

Legalism run riot?

Today the High Court starts to hear a case being brought by a group of Iraqi families who claim their relatives have been unlawfully killed by British Troops in Iraq. Given that one of our learned Lord Justices recently awarded £200k compensation to two Kosovan Albanians shot by UK troops struggling to keep the peace in that benighted neck of the woods and we have a legal precedent which the High Court in its usual inversion of common sense is bound to adopt.

In the Kosovan case the Learned Judge decreed that the two gun toting Albanians had not, despite numerous warnings to lay down their weapons, posed an immediate threat to the safety of the troops who shot them. A nice judgement when he himself has probable never been closer to a firing line on a battlefield than the annual grouse shoot in Scotland. Grouse might be bad tempered and unpredictable, but last time I looked they didn't shoot back!

This latest lot is brought by the usual bleeding heart (or is that avaricious?) lawyers of the Human Rights Act gravy train (on UK tax payer funded legal aid naturally!) who will attempt to argue that the war was illegal, the shot Iraqis had never thrown a stone, handgrenade, mortar round, or any other munitions in their lives and should have been allowed to continue doing their "resistance" to the Western "enemies" or whatever they claimed it was. No one in this country who has not been shot at, stoned, petrol bombed, or targeted by a mob can ever judge what it was like, nor should they presume to pass judgement on those who were in such situations.

If there really was any justice, it would not be the troops on trial, but the cretin who presides over a cabinet of thoroughly disreputable power junkies in No. 10. The charge? Imposing legislation which brings the legal system into abuse, the appointment of judges who are completely out of touch with reality, and the undermining of the Nation and State for their own ends.

Like the reporters, pack them and the judges who make a mockery of the concept of justice into uniform, and send them off to do what they demand of our troops. With any luck we'd be rid of them within 10 seconds, and the rest of us could rebuild what they have destroyed so effectively.

Compensation for the victims of a war? Where will it end?

Posted by The Gray Monk at May 5, 2004 01:10 PM


Man, this just blows my mind. I wonder if I could sue the serbs who were shooting at me for scaring the sh*t out of me during Deny Flight.

Posted by: Matthew at May 6, 2004 04:44 AM

Why not? Its worth a try and may well pull some of the bleeding hearts up short!

Posted by: The Gray Monk at May 6, 2004 01:31 PM