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May 29, 2004
A new Bishop enthroned.
Today the new Bishop of Gloucester was enthroned with all the pomp and ceremony that has come to be part of the ritual that attends these ceremonies. The service itself was prayerful and filled with beautiful music and singing, and the congregation of near enough 800 certainly joined in both the responses and the singing with gusto. The Bishop was duly enthroned and welcomed and gave us, and the city and county, his blessing in return.
The ceremonial commenced with the reading of the Charge issued by the Archbishop of Canterbury, duly charging the Archdeacon of Canterbury to act on his behalf and install the new Bishop in his “Cathedra” – the proper name for the Bishop’s throne or chair. It is from this word that we get the title Cathedral – the place in which the Bishop’s Chair is kept.
The Bishop was welcomed, as is the tradition, at the great West Door by the Dean and his Chapter, attended by all the visiting Bishops, clergy from his previous Diocese and from the Church of South India, with which this Diocese has strong links. Here the Bishop knelt and used a prayer of St Benedict’s authorship to pray for guidance in his charge as the Diocesan Bishop. The Suffragan Bishop, whose title is Bishop of Tewkesbury, then anointed the bishop on the forehead with the oil of Chrisom, reminding him of his baptismal vows. The Archdeacons of Gloucester and Cheltenham then each anointed one of his hands reminding him of his vows as a Deacon and as a Priest, before the Dean reminded him of his charge of consecration.
A choral rendition of the 84th Psalm followed while the processions moved back to their places in the Choir and around the Nave Altar. There followed two readings from Scripture, one from Haggai and the other, a Gospel proclamation by a Deacon of the John 21 15 – 19 reading in which Christ asks Peter three times – do you love me, and finishes with the charge to take care of the flock. A period of prayer followed this reading, each section led by a different representative of sections of the church.
At this point the legalities of the Church of England (a drawback to being “established” if ever there was one) took over and we had the legal issues to hear and witness before the Archdeacon of Canterbury could carry out the Charge and enthrone the Bishop. The Bishop took the Oath of Office with his hand resting on the Chapter Library’s copy of the Coverdale Bible – the first full English Translation of the entire Bible. A group of children from the Cathedral Parish then presented the Bishop with the Diocesan Pastoral Staff.
The Lord Lieutenant, the Lord Mayor, The Chancellor of the Diocese, The Diocesan Registrar, the County Councilors, the City Councilors, the Principle of Gloucestershire University, more Bishops than you can normally muster, and representatives from every walk of life were present and seemed to have processions going to and fro. It seemed that every Verger from every large Parish who has them was roped in to lead something. I spotted two of Tewkesbury Abbey’s three Vergers, one from Cirencester, one from Winchcombe, and the Cathedral’s own team of four. The Chapter of Derby, Bishop Michael’s former abode as Dean, brought their own Verger.
Also present were representatives from all the faiths present in Gloucestershire – Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist. All the Christian Leaders made a joint declaration with the Bishop to uphold and work together for the Faith.
From his sermon and from the manner in which he has conducted himself during this service, I think it is safe to say that Gloucester has a Diocesan Bishop who will bring some new and interesting ideas to his charge. And I think he will make a his presence felt in the pastoral ministry as well.
“Feed my sheep.”
Posted by The Gray Monk at May 29, 2004 08:12 PM