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April 17, 2004
Intelligent stupidity?
A quick browse of the blogs today revealed this corker of a story on An Englishman's Castle. It concerns a newly published report by a left wing think tank.
Sometimes the arrogance of the socialist elite is breathtaking in its lack of contact with reality. Such is the case with the latest report by one of our Illustrious Leader’s favourite “Think Tanks”. They must, at some level, be reasonably intelligent people. After all, they have degrees, they attended Grammar Schools (which means they showed sufficient intelligence to pass an 11+ at some point!), or they went to Public Schools and thence to Oxford, Cambridge, or some other extremely prestigious university. So they can’t really be stupid, can they?
Well, this latest lot certainly challenge that assumption. According to their eminently expensive and detailed research – the government should raise taxes by a large margin for everyone above average income levels – to lower our standard of living. Yeah, right, a real vote winner that one, Tone. Especially among those of us who did not enjoy the privilege of Grammar School or Public School, who couldn’t get a place at a Blue Brick university and have had to fight our way up the tree in the teeth of the opposition you and your cronies have put in place.
Perhaps it is time to add to the Litany as published in the Book of Common Prayer the following intercession:
From politicians, advisers, and intelligent idiots - Good Lord deliver us.
Posted by The Gray Monk at April 17, 2004 08:09 PM