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April 13, 2004

Back-to-work blues ...

It's back to work after a decent break, albeit one that saw me shift what felt like half a ton of stuff I have lugged around through four moves of home. No more; shredder and bin liners to work! But, now I need to do the same in my office! A week and a half away and the place is buried in other people's "too hard" jobs that have been "slope shouldered" onto mine.

Time for an outbreak of Foul ole Ron "Buggerem, buggerit, I tole 'em, millenium hand and shrimp!"

Works every time - a lot of things have suddenly left the pile!

So, my thought for the management today, borrowed from that eminent man of letters, Dr Samuel Johnson

"Sir! I have found you an argument. I am not obliged to find you an understanding!"

Until tomorrow, dear Reader!

Posted by The Gray Monk at April 13, 2004 01:46 PM