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March 05, 2004
P*O*E*T*S Day again
Push off early tomorrow's Saturday, day has arrived and almost gone again. The laundry at Domus Ecclesia Gray Monk is hanging up to dry, supper cooked, sermon drafted and now I can catch up with some of life's small pleasures, before retiring to bed. Tomorrow I must again face the prospect of visitors to view the Domus - hopefully to buy it so I can move on and find my own place to settle. Ce sera, sera. What will be, will be!
Doing a little skipping round the blogs, I found this post about blogging research on Squippers page Dusting my Brain. And I have taken care to attribute it!
Tim at An Englishman's Castle has an interesting test link to follow. Unfortunately it requires you to install the latest Flash Player which, I am unwilling to do - the last time I tried to install this it messed up something else which I needed more than Flash Player! That said, it looks like a fun test.
The news earlier this week that Mars once had water and may still have some hidden somewhere gets a mention on The Laughing Wolf who has a link to another site. His comments on the subject are worth the visit.
MommaBear at On The Third Hand, has been recognised, courtesy of the Quizilla test on What weird Latin phrase are you, as the Master of the Universe. The Monk took this test earlier and the result can be seen below! There are loads of fun "tests" or "quizes at Quizilla - very abusing too!
Someone else whose glad its Friday is Cyn at Cynical Cyn. I thought I had a corner on this market, but I'm happy to share it.
Susie on Practical Penumbra has two amusing posts, one on livestock in the house ( asix foot snake in her case) and the other on the classification of a dead horse.
Posted by The Gray Monk at March 5, 2004 11:33 PM