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February 07, 2004

Saturday ramble

Visiting Cynical Cyn's web page (as I try to catch up my reading!) and having just posted my last item on the floods around this neck of the woods, I found a hilarious post about a dog, entitled Duck Hunting. I could sure use that ability around here at the moment! Equally, her "Cyn" ism at the foot of the post entitled Hello is worth pondering and wider distribution.

Paul at All agitprop; all the time has an amusing take on the explsion which seriously damaged a "superloo" in Stoke on Trent recently. Certainly puts a new take on the expression, lightning struck the outhouse - a favourite expression in South Africa and in Australia when implying that someone could only be inspired by a major event. Pity the spokesperson from the electricity company who had to keep a straight face while trying to explain what had happened.

While trying to find my links to some of the blogs I wanted to catch up on, I just noticed that the Site Meter has just clicked over 1,000 visitors. OK, so it is over three months and nothing like the traffic other blogs get, but it certainly gives me a morale boost!

On an Englishman's Castle, Tim records the fact that motorists are striking back at the dreaded gatso camera. In one area four have been destroyed recently in a concerted campaign against them. The latest was blown up using homemade explosives. Are you listening in Whitehall? A lot of folks are getting very angry at the way we are being systematically stripped of our freedom by all the wonderful wheezes for increasing your incomes at our expense.

At Gday Mate, Ozguru is waxing annoyed at the comments of a person who uses numbers in the middle of words, as in "Pre10tious Twit", and calls the rest of us "latte drinking liberals". Likewise Practical Penumbra has a comment on this and links to Sir John of Aaaargh! who is starting a new webring for all us Pre10tious Twits. Anyway, twit though I may be, I don't drink latte, and many of my acquaintences would be surprised at the description "liberal". Having tracked this one round the various commentators who have also been incensed by the original attack, I agree with the thrust of all their comments.

MommaBear over at On The Third Hand is hosting the Carnival of the Vanities this week and is inviting entries. She is also growling about events in Iran and a couple of other things, but the one that caught my eye was this one on someone suing over the accidental exposure on television of a performers nipple! Apparently all you good American folks suffered a serious injury from this. Whiplash ....... NO! I AIN'T GOING THERE!!!!

And, as the Loony Tunes closer says "That's all folks!" Have to go - a sermon is required for tomorrow!

Posted by The Gray Monk at February 7, 2004 06:32 PM


Cheers for the link, Monk. :-)

(One thing though, my blog's URL is http://www.ondragonswing.com/journal/fim/, rather than just http://www.ondragonswing.com/; don't mind me, don't mean to nitpick.)

Posted by: Paul Jané at February 7, 2004 07:59 PM

My apologies Paul! I hope I have it fixed now - blame my technical ineptitude!

Posted by: The Gray Monk at February 10, 2004 11:56 AM