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February 29, 2004
International law? International confidence trick.
Have you noticed lately how the left have surreptitiously downgraded the Nation State and introduced the concept of "International" Law into every aspect of our national life? This despite the fact that the vast majority of the world's people live in the most obscene dictatorships and autocracies since the fall of the Nazi regime in 1945 - most of whom claim to be Socialist.
The Left certainly believes that "Internationalism" is the future. But have those who suppinely nod when this slimy bunch of closet Marxists forgotten that the anthem of the Left is the "Internationale" - sung, ironically to the same tune as "Deutchland, Deutchland uber alles", also known as the Red Flag and used as a hymn tune called "Ein feste burg". Or that one of the aims of Marxism is to subsume all "national" identities into a global "Workers State".
And the Western Democracies have fallen for it hook line and sinker. Look around you, in Europe we have an ever growing "Socialist" agenda, centralising everything under the name of "harmonisation", in the rest of the world, the Politically Correct Police slaver away at reducing ancient liberties and even more fundamental rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of religion, now things to be derided or to be removed as offensive to "minorities" or other groups.
What is happening as part of this agenda is quite simple. Our freedoms are being eroded, our nation states destroyed from within by the cancer of Internationalism as propounded by the socialist left.
Perhaps its time to recall that Socialist is a word that appears in the titles and manifesto of the worlds worst dictatorships. Hitler called his brand "National", Stalin and Lenin thought of "International", Pol Pot, Kim Il Jong, Mao Tse Tung and the list goes on - all called themselve "Socialist". And they all have the same agenda - world socialist order.
It si very refreshing to see that I am not alone in spotting this. I recommend a visit to Dodgeblogium and this post. Also to NZPundit for an acerbic view on this topic.
International law? The biggest confidence trick in the business.
Posted by The Gray Monk at February 29, 2004 06:46 PM