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January 30, 2004
Rambling round the houses ....
Into each life a little rain must fall said some git labelled wise by someone or other. Or so I'm told. Bah, humbug!
One of the pleasures of rambling around the blogs is to see the variety of things that interest people, that get them steamed up or which they really get passionate about. Politics seems to occupy a lot of people in the US at the moment. Personally I subscribe to the view that it makes no difference which part wins in any election, there isn't enough to choose between them to make any difference at all in the longer term anyway. Some will go for more tax to spend on their ideological sacred cows, others are more pragmatic and will go for more tax to fund their visions of the perfect society. Either way the money comes out of my pocket and into theirs and their cronies. So what the heck? They're all crooks and will sell their own children down the river if it will get another vote.
So, instead of linking to one of Cynical Cyn's posts on the Presidential Election campaign - I have chosen to enjoy her Blonde Joke. I hope you do too! Oh, and Cyn, you folks have to re-elect George W otherwise Teflon Tony will have to try and cuddle up to a new best buddy pal.
On the subject of leaders, cabbages and Kings (or possibly Queens in this all inclusive age), Da Goddess has another of the African Folk tales posted. This time it is the story of the contest among the birds to see who would be King. Read it and see for yourself who it might be! As a bonus, if you follow her link to the music of the Ladysmith Black Mambazo you certainly won't be dissapointed.
While on the subject of King's I see from Dodgeblogium that the "King of the Blogs" competition has been suspended this week. Sounds just like the argument among the birds in Da Goddess' story!
Finally, the Rev Mike has an excellent post on the issue of "inclusive" language and the Gospel. Under the title of "How to kill a nacent movement in its crib" he puts forward a well reasoned and very carefully considered argument. This is definitely worth a read.
Posted by The Gray Monk at January 30, 2004 11:56 PM
MB has the first Ladysmith Black Mambazo CD that came out shortly after they appeared on Paul Simon's CD back in the "Dark Ages".
Posted by: MommaBear at January 31, 2004 02:52 AM
So what happened to the old saw "you get the politicians you deserve" - exactly what heinous crime have we committed to get the current lot?
Posted by: Ozguru at January 31, 2004 11:13 AM
We didn't vote for "None of the above"!
Posted by: The Gray Monk at February 5, 2004 01:25 PM