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January 29, 2004

Is the Church sick?

A letter to the tabloid paper I regularly buy (its not worth stealing it!) from a Church of England clergyman suggests that the C of E is sick because it is failing to communicate effectively. I have to agree with him - and admire his initiative in attempting to gather information on what it is that people want and don't want.

The surprise is that they don't want gimmicks, trendy services or even "all things to all men" type theology. What they want seems to be down to earth guidance they can understand, some decent leadership, some teaching on the reasons why Christianity (and by proxy, the Church) is relevant in their lives. The survey reveals that people are not actually rejecting Christianity, in fact they are desperately searching for something they can believe in, but they don't know enough about either Christianity or the Church itself to be able to make an informed judgement.

The Reverend Willans is the Vicar of Leigh and would really appreciate hearing from anyone willing to complete his survey. Please send him an e-mail at christian.survey@virgin.net and let him know what it is that you find difficult about the Church.

He receives hundreds of letters from people each week and hopefully he will eventually be in a position to advise the various Synods of his findings. It is important that we all remember that the "Church" is neither the buildings nor the heirarchy - it is the people who claim to be members, whether they are merely in the pwes week on week or "up the front" attempting to lead it and make sense of it all. You are the Church, tell us where we are failing - email the Vicar!

Posted by The Gray Monk at January 29, 2004 10:52 PM