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December 21, 2003

Thoughts on a Sunday

Having started this post yesterday, something went wrong and I got booted offline and then couldn't get back into this page. The Technodemon strikes again! Still, I persevere!

Surfing briefly I am flattered to find comments from a number of bloggers I regularly visit on some of my ramblings. Thanks Cyn, Ron, Susie and Paul, Matthew and Ozguru. I must also include a new reader "Rocket Jones" aka "Ted" whose image of a Basset all powered up is worth a visit all by itself!

Ron, on Bear left on unnamed road, has a very thought provoking piece on relationships under the title "Long after the boys of summer have gone " and its well worth the read. Thanks Ron. This is an area of our lives that we all too often enter with expectations which are not only unrealistic, but potentially damaging for both parties. It is as well to consider the realities and to accept that two people will always be two different spirits, even though there is an attraction and a bond between them.

I have also discovered that I have been linked to a web journal in Louisiana named Crab Apple Lane where I am posted as blog of the day! Also thanks to Susie who has linked me to her page at Practical Penumbra. Nice surprise, thanks!

Posted by The Gray Monk at December 21, 2003 06:14 PM